Notes on my Section of Teaching Hello

3.6: Daily Video 1 Notes

  • Learning how to express an algorithm that uses selection without using a programming language, such as flowcharts and pseudo code
  • Selection determines which part of an algorithm are executed based on a condition being true or false
  • Algorithm is a finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task
  • Consists of combinations of sequencing, selection, and iteration
  • Selection allows us to choose different outcomes based off of the result of a decision or condition
  • Can write an algorithm to update a high score for example
  • 1.Set highScore to 10
  • 2.Get currentScore from user
  • Using selection, 3. If currentScore is greater than highScore, set highScore to currentScore
  • 4.If not, Display highScore

3.6: Daily Video 2 Notes

  • Learn how to write conditional statements
  • Conditional statements, also known as “if-statements,” affect the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a Boolean expression
  • Can write them as if blocks or if else blocks
  • If condition is true, whatever statement is in the block of statements is done
  • IF ELSE, two outcomes, IF is just one particular outcome
  • First get input from the user, IF statement will take the Boolean expression and put it in the parentheses or the block associated for the IF
  • IF it is true, displays the number
  • Display goodbye outside of if statement so it says goodbye whether or not the outcome of IF is true or else
  • Represent these algorithms that have selection by writing conditional statements, these allow us to alter the outcome based off of a Boolean expression, can do IF ELSE statements to have two different outcomes

3.6: Daily Video 3 Notes

  • Learn how to determine the result of conditional statements
  • Conditional statements alter the flow of execution in our program, can do this using IF blocks, or we can do IF ELSE blocks to choose from two different outcomes
  • ELSE only executes if the IF condition is false
  • IF statements allow us to perform specific action based off the condition being true or false

Lesson Plan Idea

  • PearDeck encapsulating 3.5-3.7
  • Each one of us is responsible for teaching a section, since there is only three sections, two of us will work together to teach the same section
  • Ethan and I will be responsible for teaching 3.6, which is Conditionals
  • On the PearDeck, there will be visuals on slides to support our teaching, and is a more interactive form of a presentation to keep them engaged
  • We will put flow charts and images of code relating to conditionals, like IF blocks and IF ELSE blocks, and definitions of what algorithms and selection means
  • Plan to teach for about 10 minutes on this section
  • Afterward, have them go through 3 questions relating to this conditionals section, thinking one question could be putting a specific example of an IF statement and having them determine the outcome
  • Maybe question where you are given a scenario and have to show me how you would build this conditional statement on VSCode
  • First person to get these questions right can be rewarded with candy
  • At the end, we could give them independent work time to create an IF statement and and IF ELSE statement in VSCode as homework