Big Idea 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects

  1. Computing is the process of using computer technology to complete a given goal-oriented task. One benefit of computing is that it makes real life things much more accessible on the internet, such as electronic transactions. Another benefit is that computers make things easier for us, such as accessing information online through Google, and a lot of information can be given to pretty much anyone around the world. The last benefit is that communication has become easier because of computing. Now we are able to talk to anyone around the world through computers.

    One harmful effect is that society can adapt so much to computers that it can take away from doing stuff in the real world. Another harmful effect of computers is that there is constant competition between the companies that are online. Example would be Google and ChatGPT. ChatGPT is like google, except skips the steps where you have to click on stuff to get the information, rather you search it up and spits out the information to you. One more harmful effect of computers is that a lot of people have access to it, and not all people on the internet can be reliable. It is easier to scam and take advantage of someone online than in person.

  1. One benefit from our project is that it will help people become more healthy by tracking how much they eat and by plugging in information to attain a certain diet goal. Another benefit of our project is that it is applicable to anyone, and is different for everyone depending on the goal they want to reach in terms of their fitness lifestyle. One last benefit is that it calculates all the calories and macros that you need without you having to do it manually yourself.

    A potential harmful effect of our project is that it could increase competition between other websites and apps that also track your calories and help you reach a fitness goal, or it could be hard for our website to compete if not performed well.

Dopamine Issues

  1. I feel that the dopamine problem is no conspiracy, and is definitely real. Whenever we go on social media or use the internet for long periods of time, we release dopamine, which is that “feel good” chemical. However this brews addiction. In order to satisfy ourselves, we continue to scroll on Instagram and TikTok, however we end up on our screens longer than we should. I can take away from productivity throughout the day, and sleep at night, and I can personally attest to those things.