Score of MCQ #2

Test Corrections

Question 22

When looking back at this question, I realized that Algorithm A does indeed calculate the correct average as well. For some reason I thought that for Algorithm A, the person in step two was a continuation for step 3, but those are two separate people. Therefore, I thought that Algorithm A wouldn’t calculate the average because of that. But because Step 2 and 3 are two different people, it makes sense that it would calculate the correct average as well.

Question 28

For this question I picked answers A and D, however it was A and C. I initially had C but I thought it was wrong because I believed it would go in a continuous circle reaching the same starting point. However I realized that after repeating, it will continue to move forward and rotate left, but doesn’t necessarily move in the left direction. That it why C is right and should be A and C and not A and D.

Question 30

I put A and C as my answer, but the correct answer was B and C. The place where I messed up on is that although A and B are very similar options, B has the draw circle function below the steps, which is the one I should have chosen. I forget to look carefully into that which made me overlook it and pick the wrong answer.

Question 36

I said that the program would not work as intended when the target appears in the list more than once. However that was wrong because if target appears in a list more than once, the program will accurately display the number of times it appeared. Therefore, this refutes the argument to the program does not work as intended, which means that the program actually works and is correct, being answer A.

Question 41

I had my answer as A and C, but the correct answer is A and D. The reason that option D is correct over C is because there is a two out of 10, or 20 percent, chance that it could evaluate to 1 or 2. If this happens, the value of sum is increased by 1, which simulates a person voting for the candidate. C is wrong because it says it can only equal to 2, but is not the right notation, it should have been equal to or less than 2.

Question 45

I forgot what the meaning to heuristic means, so I took my best guess at it. I was close in the part that the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time, however it is not most beneficial when an exact solution is needed, but an approximate solution is acceptable.

Question 47

This is another question about heuristic, which I couldn’t remember the meaning of. But now I know that heuristic means proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined. Therefore, a program that finds the shortest driving route between two locations on a map is most likely to benefit from the use of heuristic because that cannot be solved in a reasonable time, and heuristic is used to speed that process up because finding the exact thing would take way too long.