Overview for my Group

Del Norte holds an event called Night at the Museum for electives and fine arts toward the end of every trimester. This is a chance for students to showcase the work they have put in throughout their time in the class, whether it be 3D animation, Ceramics, or our class, AP Computer Science Principles.

My group had the privilege to showcase our CPT project that we had been working on during class. Even though our group was formed a little late into the trimester, we were able to accomplish the best we could with our abilities and resources at hand. We ultimately came up with the idea of a fitness website that we would turn into Full Stack so that users can use our website to store diets, search videos, etc.


During the N@TM, I was able to view the group that worked on chess as their topic as well as other games. I had heard their presentation and plans for the website and was curious as to what their final result would come to look like. I was very surprised with how appealing the website looked and how well it functioned. There were many features in their sight and the way they coded the pieces to move that really fascinated me. I thought their project was very unique and did an overall great job of making an interesting and fun project.

Inventory Tracker

Another project that I looked at was this Inventory Tracker. I found it very fascinating that they you can enter an item that you want, put the date, item, action, and amount that you want and it will store it. I was inspired by how well their website was functioning and is something I can take away from. Another part of their website that I liked is that you can have the option to clear it to. I also believe this group did a good job at their CPT project and was quite impressive.


Overall, I believe that the N@TM was a very eye opening experience to me. It taught me how everyone can be given the same guidelines, but its up to you are your group how you want the project to be executed and ultimately look like. After looking at all these fascinating CPT Projects, I learned that a lot of people work really hard to get the things they need to get done, and learned a lot from them that I could apply into my project and daily life as well.