
  • John and Ashley, both from San Marcos, one from Comp Sci(John), other in physics(Ashley)
  • She works in a quantum computing group
  • Failed a bunch of classes, but still pushed to show that it doesn’t define her, doesn’t define the love she has for what she works on
  • John was at Palomar for about 3 years, transferred to San Marcos right when pandemic struck
  • Computer science can go in many different fields, very versatile, cannot run away from computer science, always somewhat tied to everything
  • Many different options and pathways for computer science when going to San Marcos
  • Lot of events to attend at San Marcos to see if you have interest in certain majors
  • Internships, going to local events(networking), great way to get internships, also can join clubs
  • Don’t really have to be a student there to get internships
  • Tips for internships, try to avoid ones that are unpaid, a lot of us may feel under qualified, just do it, worst they say is no
  • Lot of programs to better interest at Cal State San Marcos, summer scholar program, 10 week program to do research with an advisor, Ashley really enjoyed it an sparked interest in her, also get paid for it

    Scholarships & Grants

  • Grant is government funded money to get to school, scholarship is private funded money
  • Scholarship is really on you, you can get it for pretty much anything, grades matter, kind of a socioeconomic status thing
  • Loan complicated, don’t get a loan if you don’t need to
  • subsidized loan is part of the government, help you so you don’t go deep into the loan, don’t have to worry about all the interest in that loan until 6 month grace period after college
  • unsubsidized loan starts interest after the semester

    Life after College

  • Teacher credential program available at San Marcos
  • get aid to go to graduate school
  • if going for a Ph. D. you should be getting paid to stay that long


After this class presentation John and Ashley gave, this experienced has really enlightened me on the next steps of computer science that is outside of highschool, and next steps moving onto college in general. It was very powerful to hear that they said computer science will apply to literally any major or career you choose in some type of way, which is what Mr. Mort has been preaching as well. What I really learned a lot was about internships and how to know which ones is good for you, preferably the paid ones, and that even if you don’t feel like your prepared for it, just do it anyways, experience is the most important part. As a senior, I can relate to the scholarships and going to college part the most as it is only a couple more months until that becomes reality. I realized how much Cal State San Marcos has to offer, and I know that there are other great schools out there like that where I can do the same things. Even though I don’t see myself pursuing a computer science major, I know that it is still useful to know about it because we live it, and that I can apply the many things I learn in this class and about computer science to my career that I choose.